Privacy Policy
We recognise and respect family’s, and teacher's, individual rights in protecting their privacy. Privacy as a concept means a variety of things to different people. In our day-to-day workings with children and families, and for the good of these children we must be careful that we do not make assumptions regarding the children in our care, which may offend, humiliate, embarrass or endanger the child or their family.
All outcomes from use of this policy will be in alignment and in accordance with the relevant legislation, including the Privacy Act 2020, Worksafe, The Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008, Licensing criteria for centre-based ECE services and NELP 1.1.
To ensure that our family's privacy is protected.
To ensure our practices are in accordance with the current Privacy Act.
To ensure children’s health and safety is upheld.
Our Privacy Officer is the Manager. Their role is to encourage compliance (by the Preschools) with the information privacy principles; to deal with requests made to the Preschools under the Privacy Act; to work with the Commissioner in relation to investigations conducted under the Act; and to ensure compliance by the Preschools with the Privacy Act.
For children:
Information gathered on Enrolment and Attendance records is required to be kept for 7 years. These records are stored safely. All computers are locked with a password. Filing cabinets have key locks.
Permission is sought on enrolment (via a signed enrolment form) for the use of children's images for the purposes of:
website displays
Educa secure online communication software.
Our enrolment form contains a clear Privacy Statement to explain what the information will be used for and who it will be shared with.
Should Oranga Tamariki contact us requesting information about a child who is currently attending, or historically attended, our service we will request that their representative make their request in writing. This will confirm their identity and meet any privacy issues, whilst covering our service in relation to the release of information.
For staff:
Our team recognises the privacy of the families attending our centre and will not use images of children attending our centre on personal social networking websites, such as Facebook.
Our teams recognise their professional status and do not become friends with parents on social networking sites, such as Facebook.
Our team understands that photographic and video footage of children's learning experiences recorded on digital devices (either personally owned or the property of our centre, such as mobile phones, cameras, and other recordable electronic equipment will only be used within the context of learning stories, centre documentation, group planning and on Educa).
For parents:
We ask that if parents of children who celebrate birthdays or farewells want to take pictures, then the PR will check the photos to ensure no other children are identifiable. Alternatively, a team member will take the photos. Videoing is not permitted by parents.
For student teachers:
Student teachers are required to read and sign the Student Teacher Policy. A signed copy is held in the office. They are required to gain signed parental permission for assignments documenting their experiences with children at our Centres.
Some of our sites have CCTV for the purpose of crime prevention, to ensure only valid persons have access to our sites, to capture information that could be used to investigate a crime and for public safety.
The camera data is held at 239 Lyttelton Street and 31 Cobham Street and can only be accessed by Management or persons authorised by Management. Any questions about this can be referred to the Manager.
Reviewed: March 2023
Next review: March 2026


